COLORADO - MAY 24, 2025


Before attending SLUSH Motorsports Festival be sure to familiarize yourself with the driver & track policies. 

  • Thanks for your participation in the Slush Motorsports Festival! Please note that we will be very close to capacity and ask that you follow the below guidelines to keep parking orderly and fun for everyone!
  • DO NOT park in spaces that have been marked for vendors which are represented by black areas on the event map. 
  • Please be mindful of the driving lanes. Do not stop, park or block access to these areas. Fire and safety crews need to have clear lanes maintained.
  • FRIDAY May 23rd PRE-PARTY PARKING - All vehicles and ticket types will enter in the main tunnel entrance gate. Gates will be open from 3pm-10:30pm. Guests who are not camping overnight will need to exit at closing. Vehicles that are not participating in the Car Show, Drift, Hot Laps or Drag/Roll Racing event on Saturday must also vacate the paddock at this time. Unauthorized vehicles will be towed.

  • SATURDAY May 24th PARKING - Media & General Admission guests will park in the West General Admission Lot and enter through the GA ticketing gate.

  • VIP, DRIFT, HOT LAPS, DRAGS/ROLLS, CAR SHOW, VENDORS - Upon entering Pikes Peak International Raceway from I-25, you will need to drive up toward the General Admission parking lot and make a u-turn to get in line for the main tunnel gate entrance. Please take note of the parking areas for your specific categories. All infield vehicles will be issued an Infield parking sticker that must be displayed on your windshield. Vehicles without this sticker will be towed.

  • TRAILERS will be permitted for drift only. We ask that drag, hot laps, and car show vehicles first park in the trailer parking area. There are 2 trailer parking locations. There is a dirt lot near the main tunnel enterance. There is also a paved trailer lot up by general admission to offload your vehicle and then make your way to the tunnel gate entrance upon arrival. If you have a special circumstance please reach out to

  • CAR SHOW - We will begin parking car show vehicles starting at the North Side of the oval near the new burnout ring. You will NOT be able to choose your spaces.  Please follow the direction of the parking attendants. If you have a group that would like to park together, you will need to arrive in line together. Spaces will not be saved. We suggest meeting up with friends ahead of the event and convoying to the event together.  We discourage you from brining pop-up tents. These tend to take up too much space and with the wind at PPIR they can easily blow away and damage neighboring cars.

    Please also note - There is no outside alcohol allowed inside the venue and no weapons of any kind.

    If you have any questions please reach out to Stacy Brack - 

  • Tickets can be purchased online ahead of time online in addition to your Slush Motorsports Festival event admssission tickets. 
  • Online purchase cut off time will be May 21st at 11:55pm. 
  • If you have purchased your tickets online, please be on the lookout for an email to schedule your time slot. If you did not reply to this email please report to the Denver Exotic booth at the START of the Hot Laps/DRAG/ROLL sessions to sign up for your time. 
  • DAY OF RIDES WILL BE OFFERED on a first come first serve basis at the Denver Exotic Car Rental booth.
  • A liability waiver signature is required at the booth.
  • Minors over the age of 12 are permitted to ride with partent/guardian signature. 
  • Long pants, at least a t-shirt (no tank tops/tube tops/crop tops), and full-coverage shoes are required for passengers.
  • Denver Exotic will provide a loaner helmet for you. 
  • Substitue vehicles may be offered if there is a mechanical issue. 
  • If you have any questions please reach out to Stacy Brack -  

  • All Hot Lap participants are REQUIRED to attend the Drivers Meeting before they will be allowed on the track. Drivers meeting will be at 7:00AM at the Drag Strip Starting Line.  
  • Drivers must be 18 years of age or older. 
  • Anyone who enters the racing surface as a driver must wear a helmet.  Helmets must be designed for car or street motorcycle use and must cover the ears and back of the neck area (ie, no “bowl” helmets).  DOT, Snell, and ECE helmets are all sufficient. Pikes Peak International Raceway has a limited supply of rental helmets.
  • Passengers are not allowed for Hot Laps Sessions. 
  • ANY drivers/riders who exhibit overly aggressive or otherwise unsafe behavior will be subject to disciplinary action 
  • The paddock speed limit is 10 mph.
  • SLUSH will be observing proper road course etiquette during Hot Laps sessions.
  • Flags  - Pikes Peak International Raceway will be utilizing Corner Workers and Flaggers.  Look for them and follow thier instructions. Please review the flags pictured below. 
  • Entering the Track - Make sure to obey signals from the track worker and watch for other vehciles upon entry.
  • Exiting the Track - Drivers wishing to exit the track should do so by displaying a "pit-in signal."  Signaling should occur by  raising an arm out the window and holding up a fist to notify other drivers and corner workers that  you will be coming into the pits. 
  • Passing - No agressive passing. Passing should be done with care. Passing allowed when you are going straight and on the gas. Let faster cars pass. Point by passing is encouraged. “Point-by”  passing is a signal given by  the driver of the leading car, giving permission to a following car to overtake. The leading driver should signal by extending an arm out of the driver’s window, pointing either left or right to indicate which direction the passing driver should go.Make sure you have adequate space and speed differential to complete the pass safely. 
  • Stay in Your Car - If you’ve gone off-track and are stuck, or are experiencing a mechanical issue and stopped out on track, stay in your car and wait for the track workers to arrive. (Unless it's on fire!)
  • Slush Motorsports Festival Motorcycle Hot Laps presented by Legion Moto. 

    All Motorcycle Hot Lap participants are REQUIRED to attend the Drivers Meeting before they will be allowed on the track. 

    There will be two run groups that will be set according to your track experience. Be sure to read all the below information on Run Groups, Safety Gear, and Tech Inspection. Drivers meeting will be at 3:45pm at the Shop Party Bar. Riders must be 18 years of age or older and carry a motorcycle endorsement on their license. 


    This group is for 1st time/beginner track riders who have never done a track day. It is very structured with a limit of 30 riders. We will have a class session before hand to go over track entry, exit, line choice, and rules and protocols of the track. Control Riders are responsible for leading the group each time on the track, so the group is guaranteed a steady increase in speed throughout the session. 

    SAFETY GEAR ( Street Riders)

      • You need a full face helmet that is either DOT, ECE, SNELL and or FIM Certified within the last 5 years of the manufactures date. It cannot be a modular helmet. It needs to be free of any damage.

     • A full suit or a two piece that zips around at the waist 180 degrees. It needs to be primarily leather or materials meant for the track. Air/ mesh style suits (where you can see your skin through them) will NOT be permitted in any group. Textile suits like Aerostich are only allowed in this group. 

    Jeans are ONLY ALLOWED if they are motorcycle specific, include padding are made from tear resistant material and MUST ZIP into your jacket via a 180 degree zipper around the waist. NO EXCEPTIONS.

     • A back protector of some sorts is highly recommended. This can include the back protector that comes in the back of your suit.

     • Gloves need to be gauntlet and cover the wrists so that no skin is exposed. Gloves should be free of holes and torn threads.

     • Boots need to cover the ankles, leaving no exposed skin. Sport low cut boots for street riding or non motorcycle boots or shoes, are NOT okay.  They need to be free of any holes in the soles. 

    Suit and gear rentals will be available from Legion Moto. 


    This group is for track riders who have done track days with Legion Moto before. Limit of 30 riders. This group is a less supervised and is free to run the track at speed. Passing in this group is parallel with or going away from. 

    SAFETY GEAR (Experienced Group)

      • You need a full face helmet that is either DOT, ECE, SNELL and or FIM Certified within the last 5 years of the manufactures date. It cannot be a modular helmet. It needs to be free of any damage.

     • A full suit or a two piece that zips around at the waist 180 degrees. It needs to be primarily leather or materials meant for the track. 

     A back protector of some sorts is highly recommended. This can include the back protector that comes in the back of your suit.

     • Gloves need to be gauntlet and cover the wrists so that no skin is exposed. Gloves should be free of holes and torn threads.

     • Boots need to cover the ankles and up to the shins, leaving no exposed skin. Sport low cut boots for street riding or non motorcycle boots or shoes, are NOT okay.  They need to be free of any holes in the soles.

  • ANY riders who exhibit overly aggressive or otherwise unsafe behavior will be subject to disciplinary action 
  • The paddock speed limit is 10 mph.
  • SLUSH will be observing proper road course etiquette during Hot Laps sessions.
  • Flags  - Pikes Peak International Raceway will be utilizing Corner Workers and Flaggers.  Look for them and follow their instructions. Please review the flags pictured below. 
  • Entering the Track - Make sure to obey signals from the track worker and watch for other bikes upon entry.
  • Exiting the Track - Riders wishing to exit the track should do so by raising their hand to notify other drivers and corner workers that  you will be coming into the pits. 
  • Passing - Passing is parallel with or going away from. Passing will be demonstrated and explained in detail at the riders meeting.
  • Pointing down/at corners or apex’s 
  • Slash across throat: “Pit in to talk” 
  • Arm waving past: “OK to pass” 
  • Arm moving up and down: “Slowdown” 
  • Tap on their tail section: “Move in behind/follow me 
  • Pointing at eyes then up “eyes up...look farther ahead” 
  • CRASHING - If you go down, there is nothing you can do to save your bike, so don’t fight it. Try to relax and make every attempt to separate from your motorcycle. Ideally, you want to slide to a stop and prevent tumbling. Before attempting to stand, physically pat the ground to make sure you’re no longer moving. Give a thumbs up to the corner worker to signal you are OK. Quickly move out of the crash/impact zone. Do NOT go over and pick up your bike. If you are hurt, stay on the ground and do not move. Someone will be with you shortly. Riding will be red‐flagged and stopped. If you are behind someone going down, try not to run into them. However, there is a good possibility you will follow them off the track if you are target fixating (remember you go where you look). Hold your line and continue riding. Never stop to help someone because you could make the situation worse. If you crash, you may be done for the day. This is at the staff’s discretion, which may be influenced by your on‐track behavior. If you are allowed to continue riding, you will need to re‐tech.


    The safety and worthiness of a motorcycle is the driver’s responsibility. While there will be no formal tech inspection required, PPIR/Slush management reserves the right to inspect any bike and require correction of issues of concern. Riders should inspect their vehicle to insure it meets the requirements, is in good general operating condition and is prepared for the additional stresses of track duty

    If any of these items are found unsatisfactory and can’t be rectified, you will be disqualified from participating for the day. We take this very seriously because it affects everyone’s safety. Basically, we are looking for a bike that is clean and in close‐to‐perfect working order. If you crash your bike will need to be looked at by the Track Marshall in order to be permitted to continue.  You can be inspected at any time during the event. There will be NO refunds or credits issued for a bike that fails tech.


    1. Clean and secure, with no loose parts, bolts, or fasteners 2. Fairing and windshield solidly secured, if applicable
    3. Tank secure, no leaks
    4. Seat secure

    5. Fender secure (not required)
    6. LIGHTS. We ask that you unplug them. We aren’t worried about taping them unless the housing is made from glass. If you have reflectors on your bike, either remove or tape those over.
    7. Mirrors removed or taped
    8. Belly pans secure (not required, but strongly recommended)
    9. If your bike has saddle bags or luggage bags they need to be removed.
    10. License plates removed or taped over...You don’t want to catch a metal plate to the neck at 100mph
    Engine - Check the following:
    1. Oil drain plug
    2. Oil fill plug
    3. Oil filter ( K&N oil filters are not allowed, nore are any type of bolt style filters) If you recently did an oil change, go run your bike somewhere first to make sure it doesn’t leak!

    4. Check for Oil leaks
    5. Fuel leaks

    6. Any form of coolant is okay as long as there are no leaks. Check hoses and connections. 


  1. Brake pad wear needs to 50% or better
    2. Reservoirs (front and rear) secure
    3. Fluid condition (if over one year old, replace it) it should not be dark brown or black
    4. Fluid level
    5. No Leaks
    6. Calipers mounting bolts tight and lock tighten
    7. Lever feel (should not be allowed to contact handlebar when squeezed hard) 8. Brake hoses (condition and routing, no binding or interference allowed)

Chassis & Suspension

1. Steering stem and bearing play
2. Exhaust (all bikes must have mufflers in working order)
3. Check your Foot pegs
4. Shift linkage
5. Rear brake linkage
6. Check levers
7. All Brembo brake levers are recommended to have the pin safety‐wired or otherwise secured
8. Throttle smooth and auto returns
9. Handlebars
10. Check your Triple tree
11. Front fork seals NO leaks
12. Check Front fork alignment
13. Front wheel axle bolt and pinch bolts

14. Rear wheel axle and alignment
15. Rear shock seal leaks
16. Tire condition (1/2 tread in center) and pressure (Inflated to recommended track riding pressure)
17. Chain and sprocket condition, alignment and tightness
18. Check Engine and frame mounting bolts
19. Swingarm pivot bolts
20. Kickstand permitted but needs to have a working spring return


Any and all types of cameras/lap timers or external gps systems need to be tethered and or safety wired to a secure part of the bike. Cameras are not allowed on the top of helmets for safety reasons. You may have a chin mount setup.


  • The safety and worthiness of a vehicle is the driver’s responsibility. While there will be no formal tech inspection required, PPIR/Slush management reserves the right to inspect any vehicle and require correction of issues of concern. 
  • Drivers should inspect thier vehicle to insure it meets the requirements, is in good general operating condition and is prepared for the additional stresses of track duty
  • Pickup trucks or other vehicles with higher GVW’s and/or high center of gravity are not allowed unless the suspension, wheels, tires and brakes have been upgraded to safely withstand the rigors of track use.  The approval of such vehicles will be made on a case by case basis.
  • Motorcycles will be allowed to partisipate in the Friday Hot Laps sessions and Drag/Roll racing on Saturday with proper safety gear. 

The following self vehicle inspection is required prior to Slush Motorsports activity. 


  • All 4 tires are in good condition, with adequate tread depth, are clear of damage and no more than 5 years old.
  • Tire Pressures are properly set
  • All lug nuts are present and torqued per spec
  • Hubcaps and trimmings are removed


  • No play in wheel bearings
  • Minimal play in steering linkage


  • No fluid leaks of any kind
  • Hoses & belts are in good condition
  • Motor has adequate fluid levels


  • Adequate brake pad thickness
  • No cracks or high spots on rotors
  • Solid petal feel
  • Brake Lines are in good condition


  • Fully functioning seat belts in good condition (factory stock or better)
  • Functional headrest
  • Driver understands the additional risks of driving an open car/convertible without proper roll over protection
  • DOT or better helmet in good condition within expiration date per manufacturer recommendation


  • Gas cap is secured
  • No exposed electrical wires
  • Vehicle is free of loose items (including trunk)
  • Battery is properly secured
  • Hoses and lines are securely fastened and routed properly
  • Vehicle Interior and exterior are free of sharp, exposed edges
  • All loose items must be removed from the passenger compartment and trunk. 
  • Tow hooks are not required. It is strongly advised that you insure that your vehicle has some form of towing point that will allow the vehicle to be towed without damage to chin spoilers, bumpers, radiators, etc. While we obviously try to be as careful as possible, PPIR/Slush/Towing Company will not be responsible for any damage that may occur in the event that your vehicle has to be towed from the racing surface.
  • Convertibles MUST comply with the below requirements. No refunds will be issued if vehicle is found to be non-compliant. 
  • Convertibles MUST have occupant rollover protection installed immediately behind the driver’s seat with no (rear) seats between the drivers seat and the rollover protection.
  • Windshield only rollover protection is not sufficient.
  • Bolt on or retractable hardtop roofs are not sufficient.
  • T-Top or Targa tops are OK as long as there is a permanent B pillar.
  • OEM rollover protection is acceptable only if installed immediately behind the driver’s seat.
  • OEM “pop up” rollover protection is acceptable only if installed immediately behind the driver’s seat.
  • Permanent aftermarket rollover protection is acceptable subject to PPIR management approval.
    • As a general rule, all aftermarket rollover protection must meet or exceed SCCA Solo standards in order to be accepted by PPIR management.
  • Common convertibles with acceptable factory rollover protection:
    • Convertibles allowed to run on the road course without an additional 4-point roll bar. ▪ Audi TT, A4, S4, A5, S5 & R8 ▪ Aston Martin 1998-present ▪ Bentley Continental ▪ BMW Z4 & Z3, 3 series, 6 series, M series 1998-present ▪ Bugatti Veyron ▪ Corvette C8 Targa ▪ Ferrari 360, 430 & California ▪ Honda S2000 & NSX ▪ Lamborghini Gallardo, Murcielago, Diablo, LP560, LP640 roadsters, Performante ▪ Mazda Miata 2006‐present ▪ Mercedes S, SLK and CLK Convertible ▪ Mini & S ▪ Nissan 350/370Z ▪ Porsche Carrera GT, Boxster, Spider, 996 & 997 ▪ Volkswagen Eos & Beetle
    • For any cars not listed, but do have manufacturer roll over protection, please contact us to find out if your car qualifies to run in our Hot Laps event.
  • Drivers must possess a currently valid driver’s license and be 18 years of age or older to drift.
  • You must attend the drivers meeting. Drivers Meeting will be at 10:30am at the Carousel.
  • Driver must have minimum of -3- point safety harness.  
  • Vehicle must meet the technical requirements.
  • No custom tires- needs to be commercially available  
  • Passengers are allowed and must be wearing a seat belt and helmet.
  • Anyone who enters the racing surface as a driver or passenger must wear a helmet.  Helmets must be designed for car or street motorcycle use and must cover the ears and back of the neck area (ie, no “bowl” helmets).  DOT, Snell, and ECE helmets are all sufficient. Pikes Peak International Raceway has a limited supply of rental helmets.
  • Drivers should wear long pants and closed toed shoes. Proper PPE clothing required.
  • As a general rule of thumb, Trucks, Vans, SUV’s and other vehicles with a high centre of gravity are not allowed to drift during events without prior approval from SLUSH Motorsports personnel. (There are exceptions for vehicles that have been lowered and modified for drift)
  • Convertible vehicles are allowed with proper rollover protection.
  • Tandems - Tandem cars must be equipped with at least a 4pt roll bar or better. All roll cage structures must be designed in an attempt to protect the occupants from any angle, 360 degrees. Roll cage must be based on a single Main Hoop. One continuous length of tubing with smooth bends and no evidence of crimping or wall failure. Seamless SAE 1020 or 1025, mild steel tubing (DOM) is the preferred material for construction. Roll cage must have x or double horizontal bars on both front doors for tandem.
  • All loose items must be removed from the vehicle
  • Keep all body parts inside the vehicle!
  • Drive with safety in mind. Be courteous of your fellow drivers.
  • If you spin out, regain traction, watch for drivers behind you.
  • Vehicles found to be leaking will be parked and MUST be fixed before returning on track. 
  • ANY drivers/riders who exhibit overly aggressive or otherwise unsafe behavior will be subject to disciplinary action 
  • The paddock speed limit is 10 mph
  • If you’ve gone off-track and are stuck, or are experiencing a mechanical issue and stopped out on track, stay in your car and wait for the track workers to arrive. (Unless it's on fire!)
  • Tow hooks are not required. It is strongly advised that you insure that your vehicle has some form of towing point that will allow the vehicle to be towed without damage to chin spoilers, bumpers, radiators, etc. While we obviously try to be as careful as possible, PPIR/Slush/Towing Company will not be responsible for any damage that may occur in the event that your vehicle has to be towed from the racing surface.

Drag Roll Race Requirements

  • Mandatory  Drivers Meeting will be at 10:30am at the Drag Strip Start Line
  • Motorcycles will be allowed to participate. Only Motorcycle vs Motorcycle match ups. Cars vs. Motorcycles will not be allowed. Motorcycle riders must be 18 or older and posses a valid drivers license with a motorcycle endorsement. 
  • Motorcycle Safety Gear: Motorcycles, must wear a helmet meeting Snell or SFI Specifications. Motorcycle riders must wear a leather jacket, leather gloves and leather shoes/boots above the ankle. No tennis shoes permitted. Vinyl is NOT leather. Riders MUST wear FULL LEATHERS to run quicker than a 6.39 in the 1/8 mile. All riders must keep their helmet on while on the racetrack. All motorcycle riders must have helmet visors lowered in place when leaving the starting line. Failure to have the visor lowered will result in ejection as determined by race director.

  • Vehicles NOT eligible to participate include, but are not limited to; non-street legal vehicles, go-karts, side-by-side off road vehicles, quads, and other non-street legal vehicles.
  • Only street legal vehicles with DOT tires that drove to the racetrack will be allowed to race.
  • Parachutes, wheelie bars, and other high-performance drag racing components are not allowed. Other vehicles that may not be allowed on track are older cars with inadequate brake systems and/or safety features.  Drum brakes in the front of a vehicle are not permitted. Disc brakes in front and drum brakes in rear is OK. If you are uncertain whether your vehicle will qualify to participate, please consult the PPIR Track Manager.  PPIR may disallow any vehicle from racing for any reason.
  • Drivers must be at least 18 years of age with a valid government issued driver’s license. Drivers must be wearing a seatbelt. Helmets are not mandatory unless deemed necessary by PPIR. PPIR may require any driver to wear a helmet for any reason.

  • Passengers are allowed and must have the spectator or driver wrist band to ride along. Only one passenger may ride in a car at anytime. Passengers may only ride in the front seat. Passengers must keep their limbs inside the vehicle at all times. PPIR may disallow any passenger for riding in any vehicle for any reason. Passengers are allowed who are 12 years of age or older. Passengers must be wearing a seat belt.

  • Drag Racing Format: The drag strip runs South to North (northbound). A multiple lane grid of cones will be setup prior to the burnout area and starting line. Drivers will pull into line and wait for their turn to run down the strip, races are first come, first serve. Look for the PPIR staff controlling the grid for direction on the line to park in. You may grudge race a friend or another racer by pulling in line together nose-to-tail and simply inform the PPIR staff member assisting in lining up cars at the starting area that you are looking to race the other car with you.

    Once your turn to race has come up you will be directed by PPIR staff to pull up from the grid lanes into the burnout area. Burnouts are not required. No VHT or other similar liquids or materials may be used on the tires or the asphalt at any time. There is no water at the burnout area (just like the street). After completing the burnout, the driver will pull up to the staging/start line. Pull up enough to illuminate the pre-stage lights and then inch up slowly a bit more to illuminate the stage lights (both sets of yellow lights at the top of the Christmas Tree). Once both sets of lights are activated, within seconds the large yellow lights will drop from top to bottom and then the green light will turn on. Green means GO! Don’t be too quick to launch however because if your tire rolls away from the stage light beam before the green light turns on you will have lost the race, this is called red lighting. If you jump the start a red light will turn on signifying which lane is disqualified and has lost the race. After crossing the finish line that is marked with large cones drivers must slow down safely and the return speed on the track surface is 25mph, the speed limit in the paddock is 10mph. After a run drivers may park in the paddock or proceed back to the grid for another run.

    Roll Racing Format - Both drivers will proceed down track through the starting zone. The driver in the left lane is the “Pace Car”. The driver in the right lane will make every attempt to keep his/her bumper even with the bumper of the car in the left lane, with a target speed of 20-30 mph to start the race. The driver in the left lane will set the pace and make every attempt to keep their vehicle under 30 mph until they get the green light, which indicates the start of the race. This is when both drivers can go full throttle. 

    Shut Down, Speed Limits, and Safety: Once you pass the finish line, you must slow down quickly by applying the brake.PPIR Staff will be looking for brake lights immediately after crossing the finish line of the Drag Strip. Failing to slow down may result in ejection from the event. If any cars fails to slow down, the car will require a mandatory inspection by PPIR Event Management before making another run. All speed limits must be obeyed at all times, failure to do so may result in ejection from the event. The speed limit to return around the oval is 25mph.

  • Camping load-in will open on Friday May 23rd at 3:00pm and end at 10:00pm. You must arrive during these hours for check-in. Early admittance will not be allowed. Power (only avialiable for infiled driver camping) can be purchased from PPIR during check-in. GA Camping does not have power access. Your rig MUST fit into your space. There are no water or sewer connections. Day of camping will be sold at the gate on a first come first serve basis. "No shows” will receive no credit or refund of the rental fee.
  • RISK ASSUMPTION: Motorsports activities may be dangerous and all persons entering Pikes Peak International Raceway agree to accept all liabilities and the risk of bodily harm and death in connection with motorsports activities, whether as a participant, official, worker, contractor, employee or spectator. 
  • WAIVERS: Prior to entering the Restricted Areas of Pikes Peak International Raceway, all adult and minor persons shall read, and if acceptable, voluntarily agree to and sign a Release and Waiver of Liability, Assumption of Risk And Indemnity Agreement as provided by PPIR (the “Waiver”) applicable to adults or minors. Any person that does not agree to and sign the Waiver will not be permitted to enter the Raceway. All Waivers for minor persons shall also be signed by the minor’s parent or legal guardian. Restricted Areas include all PPIR except as may be modified by the PPIR Track Manager. 
  • SAFETY EQUIPMENT: Participants are responsible for having and utilizing adequate vehicle and personal safety equipment. All vehicle, driver and passenger safety equipment shall be as is customary in the motorsports racing industry and as required by applicable motorsports sanctioning bodies. Said equipment must be always in full and effective use while a vehicle is on track. 
  • VEHICLE CONDITION: Participants are responsible for their vehicle to be always in safe and good working order, suitable for on-track activity. Please do not allow any fluids to drip onto the track surface. 
  • FUELING: Do not fuel or run your vehicle inside the garage buildings – it’s a serious fire hazard. Do not store your portable fuel containers inside the garage buildings.
  • PADDOCK SPEED LIMIT: Keep all cars, trucks, and track vehicles to a speed of 10 MPH or less when not on the racetrack. 
  • GOLF CARTS & SCOOTERS: If permitted at an event, all golf carts, scooters or pit vehicles shall not exceed a speed of 7 MPH and may only be operated by an adult. No minors are permitted to operate golf carts, scooters, and pit vehicles. 
  • LOOK TWICE: Be on the lookout while in the pits and paddock – moving vehicles and pedestrians are everywhere. You are responsible for the safety of pedestrians, your safety and the safety of minors accompanying you to PPIR.  
  • PAVEMENT DAMAGE: Do not drive or drill stakes into the ground or asphalt. Underground electricity and water utilities are everywhere. You are liable for utility and asphalt repairs. 
  • TRASH DISPOSAL: Trash barrels are located throughout PPIR. Please assist us in keeping the facility clean by using these barrels. Tires and vehicle batteries are not permitted to be disposed of at PPIR. Please take your tires & batteries with you when you leave. 
  • PARKING: All vehicles and trailers shall park only in areas designated by PPIR or event staff. All risks of vehicle or contents damage or theft remain with vehicles’ owners, drivers, riders and passengers. 
  • TRACK MODIFICATION: Only PPIR personnel are permitted to move any barriers, walls, crash barrels, tire barriers, fences, cable/chain barriers and bleachers. No modification or damage is allowed to any pavement, building or equipment. 
  • MEDIA CENTER ROOF VIEWING AREA: The Media Center building’s roof top viewing area is available for VIP and Media pass holders only. Chairs are not allowed on the roof. Do not stand on the rooftop equipment.  
  • FLUID RECYCLING: No draining of vehicle fluids onto the ground or catch-basins is allowed. Please collect any vehicle fluids into an appropriate container and take the fluids to the PPIR provided recycling containers at the South Garage. State and federal laws hold you responsible for contamination of soils or groundwater. 
  • OVERNIGHT CAMPING: If you are camping overnight, you are not permitted on any track surface or in any buildings after hours, except for the restrooms. Check with your event manager about after-hours re-entry to PPIR. 
  • PETS: Any pets must be kept on-leash or within a vehicle. No pets are permitted in any buildings except for service animals. You are responsible for cleaning up after your pet. This is a designated dog releif area at PPIR located near the vehcile tunnel enterance. 
  • ALCOHOL: No consumption of alcohol is allowed by driving participants until all the participant’s on-track activity is completed for the day. No outside alcohol is allowed. Intoxicated persons are considered trespassers and subject to arrest by local police. 
  • REMOTE CONTROL VEHICLES & DRONES: The owners and operators of remote-control vehicles, autonomous vehicles and drones assume all liability associated with the use and operation of their vehicles and drones at PPIR. 
  • NO WEAPONS, FIREARMS, FIREWORKS, MARIJUANA: No weapons, firearms, fireworks or marijuana are permitted at PPIR. Violators are considered trespassers and subject to arrest by local police and confiscation of any weapons, firearms, fireworks, or marijuana. PPIR reserves the right to eject from the premises any person that fails to abide by these Rules and Regulations.
  • SLUSH Media Information - 

  • FRIDAY, May 23, 2025 - Please plan on attending the MANDATORY media meeting at 4:00pm in the Shop Party area.

  • SATURDAY, May 24, 2025 - Please plan on attending the MANDATORY media meeting at 8:30am in the Shop Party area.

  • You will be REQUIRED to bring YOUR OWN reflective safety vest (preferably yellow) to the event. You will not be allowed into certain media areas without it. ALWAYS wear your reflective safety vest when capturing media.
  • Upon arrival, use will come in through the main ticketing and registration area. You will be issued a Media Badge if you purchased a Media Pass. You will park in the General Admission parking lot.
  • Spotters will have to purchase their own General Admission entry ticket. They can be purchased online or at the gate.
  • Be aware of the tracks status, whether it is HOT or COLD.
  • Please do not interfere with the track marshals or corner workers while the track is hot.
  • Stay behind walls and catch fences. DO NOT lean over the walls.
  • Never turn your back to the cars, stay focused on where they are driving in relation to you.
  • Be respectful of competitors, vendors, staff, and the facility. Clean up your own trash.
  • Media can access the areas on the map attached with credentials and safety vests.
  • Drones are allowed to fly during the event. However Slush Motorsports and the track are not responsible for damages. Fly at your own risk. If your drone damages any property you will be responsible. 
  • There will be NO charging stations available. Be sure to bring your own extra batteries.
  • If Slush or Venue staff deems your behavior as unacceptable, you may be asked to leave the property.
  • Be sure to tag us in your social media! Plus anything you would like to share with us for use post-event would be welcomed!
  • Credentialed Media personnel will be allowed on the Media Center roof top, outer oval, and also the new drag strip viewing platform.

  • Drift/Hot Laps/Drag Car Parking - Driver Rigs will be allowed ONE TRUCK AND TRAILER. Your rig should fit into a 20x40 space. Rigs that are larger than this need to make special arrangements. (Email: for help with large rigs.) Additional support cars, crew and other vehciles MUST park in the GA lot. You will be issued a parking tag that MUST be displayed on both your vehcile and trailer. Vehciles found to be breaking this rule may be towed. 
  • Car Show Parking - Due to the limited space in the Paddock, show cars that are trailored will need to be unloaded in the trailer parking area located GA parking. Trailers may be left in this area. Show Cars on trailers will not be allowed to drop off inside the infield. Please take note of the venue parking map above. 
  • DO NOT BLOCK DRIVING AISLES. If your vehcile is found to be parked poorly it will be tagged for towing with a time stamp. 

Pikes Peak International Raceway - 16650 Midway Ranch Rd, Fountain, CO 80817

  • We strongly suggest that guests under 18 years of age attending a SLUSH event are accompanied by a parent or guardian. Drivers must be 18 or older with vaild liscense. Passengers must be 12 years or older with parent of guardian present at the event.